Indica vs. Sativa and How to Choose
Here at Leaf we understand, first hand, how important it is to find the perfect strain of Cannabis that works well for your body and provides the desired effects each time you choose to indulge. To help our customers continue to find the best products that work specifically for them, we have created a small guide to ensure a high-quality experience with every puff, bite, and drop from Leaf Lompoc.
First things first, when choosing products it is essential to ask yourself “what kind of experience do I want”? Are you looking for an upbeat Sunday morning spent cleaning? Are you having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Or are you more interested in the medicinal properties found in cannabis to help treat chronic pain? No matter what your reason for indulging may be, we are here to help.
You’ve probably heard of Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid strains, but it's important to understand that strain types are not the only factors that contribute to euphoric effects. We must also take Cannabinoids into consideration. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds found in cannabis plants and are the source of marijuana. The two most familiar cannabinoids are Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD).
THC - Provides a psychoactive high that gives us an intoxicating feeling, relieves pain, helps increase appetite, and is known to help curve insomnia.
CBD - has no psychoactive high and is more of a body high. CBD helps with inflammation, anxiety, pain, and depression.
THC Dominant strains are strains with little to no CBD found in them, where CBD Dominant strains are the opposite and carry very little to no THC. THC strains that are evenly infused with CBD strains (also known as 1:1 ratios) provide a more balanced experience filled with pain relief, but still provide a euphoric effect. CBD can be consumed in tinctures, edibles, or used in creams known as topicals.
THC Strains:
Sativa is known as a “daytime strain” because it gives a euphonic, uplifting, and happy high while aiding with depression. Users also experience more creativity and energy.
Popular Sativa Strains we carry:
Indica is known to have more relaxing effects that can leave you locked on the couch. Indica stains are also known to relieve pain, curve insomnia, and can aid in managing anxiety.
Popular Indica Strains we carry:
Hybrid strains come from both Indica and Sativa plants and have a mixture of effects descended from both strains. These effects include feeling happy, energetic, relaxing, while providing pain relief. Effects will vary depending on strains and makeup of parent plants.
Popular Hybrid plants we carry:
Blog Sources:
Dellwo, Adrienne. “CBD and THC: What Can They Do for You?” Verywell Health, Verywell Health, 17 Sept. 2020,
Holland, Kimberly. “What's the Difference between CBD vs. THC?” Healthline, Healthline Media, 20 July 2020,
Staff, Leafly. “Indica vs. Sativa: Understanding the Differences between Weed Types.” Leafly, 31 Mar. 2021,
WayofLeaf. “Indica Side Effects: Things to Know!” WayofLeaf, WayofLeaf, 23 May 2021,